We love leading little ones to Jesus
Jane Statham has over 30 years experience in the preschool setting. She is familiar with many of the families in Brookhaven and has taught most of them in some capacity. She has been with FPK since 2012 -and has been leading the FPK team since 2018.
Assistant Director
This position requires business skills and spiritual gifts to keep FPK school linked in to Faith Church.
K4 Teacher
Mary Davis is beloved by her students. She shares her love for science and nature and has a hands-on approach to teaching. FPK students and faculty have benefited from her extensive knowledge since 2006.
K4 Teacher
Paula Welch is a nurturing teacher who brings an added element of art and design to the classroom, making space for creative minds to learn and develop. She has been bonding with students at FPK since 2017.
K3 MWF Teacher
Angel Young enlivens her classroom with a positive spirit and eagerness to learn. Using object lessons, she has inspired FPK students to reach their potential since 2017.
K5 Teacher
Kellie Owens is a certified teacher with 5 years experience in the lower elementary classroom. Her passion is teaching and we are glad to have her join the FPK team for the 2019-2020 school year.
K3 TTh Teacher
Connie Boyd has over 25 years of experience teaching preschool. She has loved being around FPK students since 2018 and is ready to be in the classroom again for 2019-2020 school year. She loves the little ones and her warmth will bring security to the children as they learn through play.
K2 Teacher
Deann Crosby is committed to helping children explore and learn in a hands-on environment. Nothing brings her more happiness than seeing the growth of children. With her nurturing spirit at FPK, 2019-2020 is going to be a great year!
K3 MWF Teacher
With a heart for children and hands-on approach towards learning, we are thrilled to have Leah Smith as a part our team. She has been teaching three's for the past six years. Her commitment to childhood education makes us excited for the 2019-2020 school year.
K2 Assistant Teacher
Amy Cooley has a servant's heart. She loves children and desires to see them grow and develop in the classroom setting. She is warm and animated - our youngest students will thrive in her care.
Hospitality Kinderfriend
This position requires a personality with contagious enthusiasm, and warmth. She will take charge leading the volunteers who make FPK a program set apart from other preschools.